Thursday, April 28, 2011

Koie Guinomi Arrives

Just in time, my Koie guinomi arrived from Ippodo Gallery.  Beautiful little thing, can't wait to christen it with some high quality sake!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

One Week to Go!

So, got just about everything I need; still working on another pair of shoes though, that's been the toughest part.  Jeff Shapiro said that anything that slips off easily is good, since you're pretty much taking your shoes off anytime you go inside anywhere. 

Hoping to pick up a netbook computer this week so that I can keep blogging throughout the trip, assuming the wi-fi networks are easily accessible; oh well, time will tell.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Getting Ready

Well, buying a lot of "quick-dry" clothing, and sending a lot back, just trying to get the right sizes; shoes are the biggest issue (thanks Zappos!).

Getting way psyched about the upcoming trip, but also realize how much here still needs to be done.  Oh well, what will be will be, hai?! (how much Japanese will I learn? enough to order beer and sake, and perhaps find the bathroom!).