Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Back in the US of A

Well, it's officially over.  We left Narita (Tokyo) at about 4:30 PM Wednesday (Japan time) and arrived in Newark at about 4:15 PM (Eastern time); pretty cool, we arrived back here 15 minutes before we left Japan; gotta love international travel.  All went extremely smoothly and the 13 hour flight didn't seem as bad as the one to Japan, guess I knew what to expect.

I think it's going to take a while to digest and process all that we saw; there was so much.  Not sure what it will mean for my life or my ceramic work, but I'm sure there will be some influence on both; the trip was a very powerful experience.  I could have easily spent more time in Japan, it's a magical place.  It is, however, nice to be home, feels like time to get back to work, of all kinds.   

Not sure how much more I'll write here.  I may post some ruminations for a few days, but I'm not sure.  However, when I do decide to call it quits, I will post a final blog entry.

I leave you with a last bit of Japanese wonderment, a green tea KitKat bar; only in Japan!


  1. Welcome home. Did you bring any of those KitKats with you?

  2. Diego wants to know, if you eat the KitKat bar with green tea in it will your body start glowing? Also, did you meet any monks while you were in Japan? Brett wants to know if they actually eat those candy bars. Patrick wants you to know he's in my class and likes your blog. Tyler wonders if you could come here to visit us to talk about your trip and pottery and show us how to make pots. (Lots of students like this idea.)
