Saturday, May 7, 2011

Suzuki Goro

Hard to pick the highlight of today, although easy to say it all revolved around Suzuki Goro, or as Jeff calls him, “the mad potter of Seto.”  From our arrival and tour of his studio to his joining us for dinner at Siratama in Nagoya (and buying all the drinks though he himself does not imbibe), through his soulful karaoke renditions of Japanese folk tunes (second only to Alan doing “Gotta be Rock and Roll Music”) it was an amazing day.  We started at the Tokugawa Garden and Museum in Nagoya, which were quite special and beautiful, before heading off to Goro san’s home.  He and his wife and daughter were extremely welcoming and his home and studio are impressive places.  By estimation he currently has about 300 varieties of clay and well over 100 different feldspars; just an amazing storehouse of ceramic materials (more than a life-time’s worth by his own admission).  He makes so many different types of work it’s hard to believe that what he produces comes from a single person; he is nothing if not prolific!

I’ll leave you this evening with three wonderful images; one of Jeff with a large Goro san piece (don’t get any ideas Tyler!), one of Goro san singing karaoke, and one of Alan “bringin’ down the house.”  Enjoy and thanks for listening.

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing day! May your trip be full of these wonderful connections.
