Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The End is Near

Hey all, sorry to have been out of touch for the last few days, it’s been a whorl wind experience touring with Shapiro san; he’s kept us moving from place to place and meeting many of his potter friends, a truly unforgettable and invaluable opportunity.  Our last meeting was with the wild and wooly Shiro Tsujimura, his son Yui and wife Miako; this was the craziest of all our visits and I can’t wait to tell you all about it.

I write this as I’m sitting in Narita airport outside of Tokyo waiting (for 4 more hours!) for our flight back to depart.  I have many pictures (too many really), too many books (my back and shoulder are killing me), and too many pots (guinomi mostly, but a couple of Shiro’s teabowls too!); all of this will require some explanation.  

Shiro tries his newest sake cup; Hai!

See you all soon!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see you and hear about all your wonderful experiences. I'm also anxious to see the pottery you weren't going to buy!
