Tuesday, May 31, 2011

To Ms. O’s Class

Thanks to all of you for following my blog, it was really fun to write and now to have as a sort of diary of my trip; now, on to specific questions:

Diego – well, I ate part of the KitKat bar and I don’t think I ended up glowing, but I did notice I had a slightly light green tint (not really).  And yes, I did meet some monks.  We actually met with a woman monk at a Zen monastery (Sogendo-ji) in Kurashiki; her name is Chi-san and she was quite wonderful (see her and Jeff, our tour guide, in the picture).

Brett – yes, they do eat those candy bars, it actually tasted a lot like white chocolate with a hint of green tea flavor; have you ever tasted green tea?

Patrick – thanks for reading the blog, I hope learned something about Japan from what I wrote.

Tyler – I’d love to come to your class and talk about my trip and show you guys how to make pots, I’m just not sure I’ll be able to get there before the end of your school year, but thank you so much for your interest, and to the rest of the students. 

If I don't see you, have great summers!

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